Tuesday, March 20, 2007


So ya... 5 months is a long time between posts. Basically, I've not really had much to talk about. Work, eat, watch tv, sleep, repeat. Oh ya, throw in some book reading here and there :)

Speaking of books: I've been reading this really great series called The Dresden Files. If your sense of humor and SciFi/Fantasy tendencies are marginally equivalent to mine, I highly recommend the series. There are currently 8 books out in paperback and a new book coming out in April. If you're curious: Harry Dresden is a private detective in present day Chicago. Oh ya, he's also a wizard. Sounds campy but it's very cool, written as a narrative (oh ya, now a show on SciFi channel too). The problem is that I've read all eight (in about 2 months time).

Harry Potter 7 doesn't come out for 4 months, Dresden hardback in another month, rereading Timeline, thinking about Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Tim Zahn has a new SW book out in hardback... I need to go to B&N.

To continue with the completely random: This last weekend was St. Patrick's Day!! And to be the somewhat Irish man that I am, I joined my sister and went to a coffee house/music stage on Friday the 16th and listened to a PHENOMENAL Celtic band called
Célé . These are some seriously talented people. Check 'em out. You should also check out JJ Heller. She sang that night and was fantastic as usual. She and her husband Dave write great songs!

Now that I have completed my "plugs"... CONGRATULATIONS to my wonderful friend Jaime!! She got married this weekend in Austin. Check Starr's blog (link to the right) for more info. I wish I could have been there but couldn't. I wish her and Todd great happiness in their life together.

See ya kids.


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